
Volair is a start-up that connects private jet companies with executives providing a one-stop shop for booking flights.  Volair needed a complete brand positioning from logo and brand story to a simple website.



Our challenge was to come up with a brand story that would establish Volair as a service provider in a premium and exclusive industry.  Despite being in aviation and having the word “air” in its name, Volair is a service not an airline.  We were responsible for clarifying the message of the brand by designing its logo.  




We start every branding project with a Mood Board which allows to have a basis for our visual exploration.  Exploring the private aviation industry, we focused on striking photography as opposed to perks of the private flights such as the welcome champagne.



We decided on a Classic black and white photography with subtle metallic touches to articulate the premium aspect of Volair and speak to an exclusive audience.  We researched the stock image options and settled on a striking jet in the night sky against clouds.  

As a result of countless logo sketches, we saw an opportunity to focus on V and A in Volair to represent a direction in travel, suggesting that Volair is an agent to get you there and back.  Assigning the meaning to V and A in this way, we were able to stay away from splitting the word into two and falling into the trap of appearing as an airline.





 Once we established this story, we were able to simplify the elements and achieve the final polished representation. With the logo approved we continued on with brand extensions, such as business cards.  Seeking an opulent feel we proposed a gold foil logo on a dark background.  With the advance of print on demand technologies, we were able to provide affordable options for gold foil printing.



We also designed a template-based website for Volair with a premium access login feature.  Highlighting the photography, the website supports the brand story we have created for Volair. We were able to create an exciting brand targeting a premium and exclusive audience with our storytelling skills and ability to express the building blocks of a brand in simple forms. 


Tomorrow Networks 15sec Ad Animation


Neer Motion