I’m a big fan of passion projects. They create opportunities to bring to life the inspirations, and cultural details that we collect as curious creators. Gatsby Fridays was born out of two creative directors’ search for a discussion around how to live a fully engaged and productive creative life, myself and my co-host Alex Chimilio. 

Our mission is to provide inspiration and guidance to those looking to evolve into the kind of person whose voice matters.  We cover subjects we are passionate about from challenges of creatives, design career advice, pop culture, books and movies and more.  We write the episode scripts and plan the season together and split the production work.    

With Gatsby Fridays, I had the opportunity to bring my creative vision to life in its full potency.  Graphics connect to the viewer with established perceptions of Art Deco and the Gatsby era combined with an explosion of botanicals that resonate with breaking out of our shells with the conversations we carry on in the podcast.  Bringing out the beauty in being curious, asking and reflecting, in growth.  The layered graphic system I established can be expanded in infinite combinations across all design channels over multiple seasons. We have published over 50 episodes in 4 seasons and we are about to kick off a 5th season.


Staying Creative in the Time of Quarantine
Race and The Creative Profession
Networking for Creatives
How to Hustle You and Your Work
Visual Activism
Self-Care & Creativity
Design Book Club
Love Letter to New York City
First Design Jobs
Mentors and Role Models
Pop Culture Legacy: Ruth Bader Ginsburg
Movie Night: Point Break
The Things We Collect
Chelsea in Three Acts
Immigration & Belonging
Image and Representation
Separating The Art From The Artist
Movie Night: The Matrix
Design  Book Club: The Edit
A Day in Nature and Art at Dia:Beacon
Rolling with it
Soho Rhapsody
Reinvention with Hani Furstenberg
Super Duos: The Power of Dynamic Partnerships
Embracing The Unexpected
The Write Practice with Victor LaValle
Pop Culture Legacy: Dolly Parton
The Great Take Back
Burn Notice
Missed Opportunities
The Burden of Creativity
Broken Hearts, Creative Output
Brave New World: A.I. in a Creative Life
Mid ’90s & Beyond with Michael Colovos
Down & Out in the L.E.S.
The Solo Act
Pop Culture Legacy: Keanu Reeves


  • “Hello, and welcome to GATSBY FRIDAYS, A show about getting the best out of a creative life from two Creative Directors working around the world and based in New York City.”

  • “How are you and what are you wearing?” Starting every conversation with this question brings a light hearted note and gets the conversation going.

  • We each introduce our stance on the topic, bouncing the questions back and forth. Sometimes we go down the same path, sometimes we disagree.

  • Two close friends with two different personalities and lives always lends itself to an engaging barter.

  • Sometimes the conversations are fun and lively, but sometimes they’re heavy. It’s important to us that we end with a positive path forward.

  • In the spirit of our origins, each episode has

    a signature cocktail that relates to the episode content.

  • We always wrap up with call-to-actions to engage our audience on social media.


Our episodes have a pre-designed structure but our conversations are not scripted.  The true spirit of our friendship is what makes it an authentic listen.  The organic conversation is full of gems we design into social media posts.  Quote posts are very well received on LinkedIn where we continue the conversation.    


The signature cocktail brings a light hearted end to each episode and is pure content gold.  We leverage the recipe as a static post that goes out on Instagram on Saturday afternoons, the day after our episode drops.  We also film making of the recipe and post as stories.  The recipe stories are some of our most popular content.